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V.I.P. Xperience - A STAR is Created

Primed and Positioned to Elevate LIVE Full Day Coach Immersion

7 hr 30 min
Contact Brenda
Virtual OR Onsite TBD

Purpose. Custom designed with YOU in mind! The full day, 7.5 hour intensive immersion experience will engage you in creating new or alternative paths to attain a specific goal, aspiration, achievement, or dream you desire. The Client will determine the focus area in advance of the coach session. As you are facilitated by the Coach and provided with tools, you will craft a well-prepared, purposeful plan to prime and position to implement and elevate from where you are to where you choose to be OR the state or condition you desire to create. Process. Through conversational coaching tools and techniques, you will tap into your greater potential and elevate your energy and vibrations to open new channels of communication, apply enhanced visualization, intuition, insight, inner strength, courage, and wisdom, and develop a Strategic Target Action Roadmap (S.T.A.R.). Peaks. Glass-shattering moments! Mindset Shift! Manage Expectations! Move Roadblocks! Build a Roadmap! Measure Outcomes! Perks. Actionable Results! Continental Breakfast, Full Lunch, Afternoon Snack (On-site Coach Session) OR Zoom Video Meeting (Local Delivery) for meals as indicated above. 5-Day follow-up Coach access via phone, video, audio, and or email with extended 75-day coach access at program conclusion. Written V.I.P. Summary Report and Recommendations. Strategic Target Action Roadmap (S.T.A.R.). Complimentary Autographed copy Powered with Potential: Ignite Your Inner Dynamic -30-DAY Guide to Create the Best You.


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